The Roofing Industry Committee on Weather issues, Inc. (RICOWI) has now conducted four of the most comprehensive roofing investigations of hurricane stricken areas immediately following Hurricane Charley (August 13, 2004), Ivan (September 16, 2004), Katrina (August 29, 2005) and Ike (September 13, 2008). The published hurricane investigation reports can be downloaded at no charge from our website or ordered on CD for a small processing fee. Teams will again be ready for deployment in 2025.
The WIP mission is to investigate the field performance of roof assemblies after major wind storm events, factually describe roof assembly performance and modes of damage, and formally report results of investigations and damage modes for substantiated wind speeds. The Program identifies an event as "A major hurricane making landfall in a heavily populated area in Florida, or in an area previously investigated by RICOWI, with wind speeds at or above ASCE 7-2005 design levels based on early projections by NOAA/NHC and/or other credible sources. Alternatively, a hurricane similarly projected by NOAA/NHC to include one-minute sustained wind speeds equal or greater than 95 mph (Category II) making landfall along the northeast corridor."
To investigate the field performance of roofing assemblies after major wind storm events;
To factually describe roof assembly performance and modes of damage;
To formally report the results of investigations and damage modes for substantiated wind speeds.
In 1989, Oak Ridge National Laboratory held two workshops devoted to identifying and discussing roof wind uplift issues and alternatives. Discussions of important technical issues included causes of roof wind damage, dynamic testing of roof systems, the importance of sample size for tests, the role of wind tunnels, air retarders, and the need for acceptable procedures for ballasted systems. There was also concern for the general lack of communication within the roofing industry as to what the problems are, what is being done to alleviate them, and how effectively technology transfer is accomplished within the roofing industry and the building community. At the conclusion of the workshops, a consensus recommendation was to form a committee to address these matters. The Roofing Industry Committee on Wind Issues (RICOWI) was established and the Charter approved October 11, 1990.
Subsequent to RICOWI's formation, other concerns were raised. The insurance industry conveyed their concern regarding excessive property loss from windstorms. They estimated that from 1984 to 2003 hurricanes and high winds have accounted for nearly 64% of catastrophic losses. Insured losses from hurricanes reach billions of dollars each year. In August 1992, Hurricane Andrew caused $16 billion in insured losses. A one-month period of hurricanes in 2004 resulted in more than $20 billion in insured losses. Of the top ten most costly catastrophes to ever hit the United States, 8 are hurricanes or a tropical storm. Hurricane Katrina has now set new loss records.
There is an essential link between product research, performance and the model building codes. The model code groups are moving more toward "objective based codes" versus "prescriptive codes." Performance requirements are generally perceived to be requirements stated in a way that allows flexibility in the choice of solutions to satisfy the requirements and are based upon explicitly stated objectives. Code changes are being adopted by the model code groups without adequate industry input. In addition, there is a general feeling that the right type of data, following an event, has not been gathered. There is no question that all roofing products and systems of all roofing manufacturers are going to have to meet more rigorous specifications and will be subject to tougher scrutiny of building departments such as we have seen in Dade and Broward counties (FL). Industry involvement in follow-up of wind events is imperative.
RICOWI and the Department of Energy/Oak Ridge National Laboratory responded to industry involvement by entering into a Cooperative Research Development Agreement (CRADA) to facilitate the Wind Investigation Program (WIP). The Program includes all of the major roofing trade associations in North America. The original workshop was held in 1996 and over eighty investigators were trained in wind issues by the country's leading scientists and others qualified in examining wind damage to roofing systems (three subsequent workshops followed). RICOWI continues to train and educate its team members.
This Program puts credible people in the field that have the required product knowledge and program training to ensure that sound, scientific and unbiased reporting occurs. Buildings will be safer, property losses will be reduced and industry will meet the challenge with clear insight as to needed direction. The reports generated by our investigation teams and findings will be utilized to help educate, improve products, installation techniques, safety and reduce overall roofing and insurance costs for the industry. The results will also provide a valuable resource to FEMA and state emergency management agencies.
RICOWI requires each of our trained investigators to complete this confirmation form for the 2025 hurricane season. We would like to commit approximately 50 people to fill 7 four-member teams, the logistics team and some observer positions. No matter your level of participation, this is an excellent opportunity to learn first hand as well as helping others by providing information for the good of the industry.
Our teams must be balanced to avoid any bias and each team must have at least one experienced member that has served on a previous investigation. Persons with no on-roof experience with roofing materials may not fill a team slot, but will be eligible to participate as a floater or observer, to gain experience or help with logistics.
Your confirmation is a commitment to participate so we ask you to consider the obligation carefully. If we deploy, you will be giving up approximately five days from the office to participate in the program and will need to cover your out-of-pocket expenses as well.
Once the confirmation forms are received, we will set up the first string of participants and a list of alternates. Many of you have indicated you will commit but have specific time slots that you will not be available. Generally, members able to commit for the entire season will be given priority. We will then consider members that will commit but have specific dates when they will not be available to participate i.e. vacation.
Dry wicking polo shirts are available in Silver for $35.00 each. Please contact the RICOWI Executive Director, Jordan Loudon, at for more information.
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RICOWI is an International Roofing Conference Education Partner
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